Getting a profile

Who is considered an active researcher?

Profiles are automatically created for active researchers at the University. An active researcher is defined as someone who is the following:

  • A current member of staff;
  • Is not a casual staff member;
  • Holds a position that is classified as academic (AC) or research (RS), except general research staff (award type of RESG); and
  • Has at least one visible (non-thesis) publication in the JCU publication repository, ResearchOnline@JCU.
    • Note: A thesis is an unpublished work and will not be included in the set of publications shown.

If you need to deposit publications into ResearchOnline@JCU, you, or someone on your behalf, can do so online.


For researchers that hold adjunct positions, a profile is created for those that:

  • Have at least one visible (non-thesis) publication in the JCU publication repository, ResearchOnline@JCU; and
  • Are a principal investigator of a current grant, or currently supervising a HDR student, or have at least 5 ERA-eligible publications in the last 5 years where at least one of these outputs is co-authored with a current (non-adjunct) JCU researcher.

This profile is initially hidden, so in order to be seen publicly you will need to edit your profile.

Special situtations

Profiles are also created for research managers (such as College Deans, Pro-Vice Chancellors and Academic Deans of Research) and Emeritus Professors, provided one visible publication is stored in ResearchOnline@JCU.

Can’t see your profile?

If your profile doesn’t appear to be present, check through each of the points above. For a profile to appear, all information in the respective central database or system must be correct and up-to-date. Once data has been updated in the relevant central system, updates occur perodically.

If, after checking all your data, you think you should have a profile but it’s not there, please email

Requesting a Profile

In the case where you don’t meet the criteria for a profile, you can apply for an exception to be made. You will need a letter of support from your College Dean or Director and articulate the benefit to your College/Directorate and the University that would come from you having a public profile. Email your request to the Dean of Research and copy in If the Dean of Research grants the exception, the Research Information team will ensure that your portfolio page is created on the next data update.