FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Why can’t I see my profile?

Firstly check to ensure your profile is not hidden; note that adjunct staff are hidden by default. Try logging into the Research Portfolio and searching for your name. If you can find yourself, then see Changing your profile settings and data for how to change this setting.

If this reveals no profile, then you are not currently classed as an active researcher and therefore do not have a profile at this stage. Refer to the details about active-researcher for the relevant conditions that must be met for a profile and Can’t see your profile? for more information.

When will my profile be created?

Your profile will be created automatically as long as you meet the criteria for an active-researcher.

How do I fix information on my profile?

See Editing your profile.

When do changes take effect?

Any recent changes will be pushed to the Research Portfolio on the weekend following their update, so new profiles are available on the coming Monday.

Refer to Editing your profile for more information on where data is sourced.

What happens if some of my publications are not public access?

The publication page from ResearchOnline@JCU is displayed when the publication title link is clicked. This page shows that it is Repository staff only and shows the Request a copy button. Once selected, the user is directed to a form to request access to the publication.

I collaborate with a lot of institutions and people; why isn’t my tab/map displayed?

You must collaborate with institutions and people from at least 3 different regions (states or countries) for the tab and map to display.

Why are no names of students listed under my Supervision section?

The University’s interpretation of the Queensland Right to Information Act 2009 and the Queensland Information Privacy Act 2009 is to ensure the privacy of our students. Hence, student details may only be used if their consent has been provided. Refer to the University’s Information Privacy Policy for further clarification.

Staff details are made accessible via the public JCU website, because they are employees of the University and are expected to be accessible as points of contact for the services they provide.